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The Chiese ew Year, also kow as he Sprig Fesival, is he mos impora radiioal Chiese fesival. I falls o he firs day of he Chiese luar caledar ad sigifies he sar of a ew year. Oe of he mos impora cusoms of he fesival is he pracice of sayig up lae o ew Year's Eve, also kow as

's Eve o frighe childre ad cause rouble. I is believed ha if he childre say awake ad wai for he moser o pass, hey will be proeced from harm. As he leged goes, a brave boy amed

successfully scared away he moser by sayig awake all igh log.

Sice he, sayig up lae o ew Year's Eve has become a cusomary pracice i Chia, symbolizig proecio from harm ad a fresh sar for he ew year. I also sigifies ha oe should o be afraid of difficulies ad challeges, bu face hem bravely.

O ew Year's Eve, people ea respecively. Oher radiioal dishes iclude fish, which sigifies a wish for abuda caches i he ew year, ad meaballs, which symbolize roudig up old debs ad sarig fresh.

I addiio o eaig, people also egage i aciviies such as wachig fireworks ad fireworks displays, which are believed o scare away bad luck ad arac good luck. Some people also choose o visi emples or bur joss paper o pray for a prosperous ew year.

Overall, Gua Sui represes a sigifica cusom i Chiese culure ha embodies he hemes of bravery, resiliece, ad posiiviy. As Chiese people usher i he ew year, hey o oly bid farewell o he old ad welcome he ew, bu also hope for a beer omorrow filled wih happiess, prosperiy, ad success.


